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Landing the perfect developer job

Christian Heilmann talks about his experiences of hiring developers at Yahoo! and gives some advice on landing that perfect job.

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What comes after usability?

Development models affect users, or is it the other way 'round?

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New legal requirement for UK based customers

A recent Companies Act amendments now requires additional content to be included in every email you send.

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Web standards checklist

Max Design on a guide of web standards items to help developers work towards web standards

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HTML5 Elements and Attributes

Simon of html5.org complies a full list of HTML5 elements and attributes

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Yahoo Buys MyBlogLog

From TechCrunch: Ok so it's official and confirmed from Yahoo: They bought MyBlogLog.

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Wii bit of fun and Veen vs Zeldman in Celebrity Boxing!

Cindy Li post on her idea of Celebrity Wii Mii death match between Veen and Zeldman

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Mark Boulton shows how micro and macro whitespace push brands upscale (or down) and enhance legibility in print and online

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